Below is a summary of questions that I have
been asked frequently.
- "Why do you claim to be a professional webmaster?"
- I really did not think that I was giving the viewers that
impression. Obviously, I am not a professional and do not expect to be one
until I gain a few more thousand hours of experience. What I am is a CPA
with intentions of improving his computer and communication skills. Check
back in a couple of years and I may then claim to be a webmaster.
- "I am having trouble viewing some
of your pages - What's the problem?" - Since
I only have 3-4 months experience, I am having trouble obtaining the experience
I need in order to make each page compatible with all browsers, operating
systems, Internet service providers,screen resolutions,etc. I am working
on the problem and please contact
me and provide me the address of the corrupt page. Any feedback , whether
negative or positive, will be appreciated.
- "I am a webmaster and think your
site has way too many banner ads....If you eliminate some of banners, download
times will be quicker for visitors" - This was
an excerpt for a suggestion received from a web master. I agree with you
one hundred percent and hope to remove about 25 % of the banners within
the next two weeks. At this point I am testing the banners for individual
performance. Also, as I add more pages, I will move some of the banners
to new web pages. I would like to thank the viewers for being patient and
I will work to improve this site. Contact
me here if you would like to comment on the banners.
- "....... the words on some the
webpages are not legible. ....Also, some of text appears to be distorted
by background colors. Is this a problem with my computer or is it my browser?"
- The problems more than likely are my fault. I have a pentium computer
with a lot of unusual fonts. If the visitor's computer\software doesn't
recognize those fonts, then their computer automatically selects the closest
available match from the fonts that a loaded on the computer. Sometimes,
this match produces weird results. You can solve this problem by loading
additional fonts on your computer.As far as color schemes, different browsers
and operating system handle some unusual colors in different manners. I
will work to improve this problem; however, it is a priority to me. If you
would like to view some different fonts, then click
In the days and weeks to come I plan to post more of the FAQ.
Right now, the above questions\comments are representative of about 20% of
the questions I receive.
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