About Wallpaper Portal 2001

The image is an internal web portal. It's purpose is to provide the visitor with another option for viewing this site. By clicking in an area on the image, the visitor will be taken to a different page on this website. Most of the links are to wallpaper pages deep into this site. Some links are to auxiliary pages which are viewer specific and may not be an interest to you. Also, there are at least ten secret pages which can only be accessed via the above image or through the below links section of this page. I hope that the visitor enjoys this new feature. Please click here with your comments, suggestions, or problems. I do not earn any commissions or other payment for those visitors who click on the above image. Unfortunately, you will have to use the browser back button to return to the portal each time. Please click here to inform me that you have used this portal. I would like to receive some feedback so I will be able to better decide if the portal should remain on the home page of this site. Thanks, Christopher.

Quick Links for Impatient visitors
